Meditasie Wat Leef

Die enigste manier om die dood te oorwin – om die ego se begeertes te verwerp. en bewus te word van die siel se krag – is deur meditasie te be-oefen. Hierdie boek voorsien ‘n praktiese, sinvolle benadering tot ‘n lewenstyl gewy aan die arbeid en vreugde van meditasie. Ons word gewys hoe om van praat tot aksie oor te gaan, van denkbeeld tot ervaring, sodat ons die reis, wat liggaam en verstand te bowe sal gaan, kan onderneem.

The only way to conquer death - to die to the ego's needs and awaken the power of the soul - is the practice of meditation. This book provides a practical, no-nonsense approach to living a life dedicated to the work and joy of meditation. It shows us how to move from talk to action, from concept to experience, so that we can undertake the journey that will transcend body and mind.

English: Living Meditation
Author: Hector Esponda
Category: RSSB Tradition: Other Authors
Format: Paperback, 208 Pages
Edition: 1st. 2007
ISBN: 978-81-8256-723-8
RSSB: AF-203-0

Price: USD 7 including shipping.
Estimated price: EUR 6.62, GBP 5.75
Copies: 1 2 3 4 (maximum)

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